Sunday, September 7, 2014

Martin Luther

Martin Luther is one of the most important people in the history of Europe when it comes to influence, especially in terms of religion. He stood as a light of freedom and revolution against the darkness and corruption of the Catholic church. Indulgences and bribery were open and widespread for getting into the Church and for getting into Heaven. These issues and over 93 others were found and critiqued by Luther and shoved at the Church - not giving them a chance to refuse these complaints, but putting them in the hands of the Church and demanding the answers and reasons for their actions. This was something that had never been done in such a blunt and public manner.
His actions were unheard of and his writings were strongly worded in vulgar and rude language aimed towards the Church. They were intended to be this way, so that his ideas could be so clearly and unmistakably understood by everyone and anyone who listened to his teachings. This abrasive wording also gave his words the attention and popularity that he wanted it to have.
Diet of Worms,
Without his eloquent way of writing, his issues with the Church would seem to be simple complaints. With his ways, they were items of a long list of all of the vile and atrocious actions that had taken place in the sacred halls of their most beloved and popular religion. Luther also stood up for his ideas and claimed them as his own - saying that he could not refuse them or recant them, simply because he utterly and truly believed in them (Diet of Worms). His actions, teachings, and writings were something that Europe had never seen before, and his overall dedication to his cause was nothing short of revolutionary.

Printing Press,
Not only did he have revolutionary thoughts about religion, but he also had revolutionary ways of doing things. Luther was one of the first to take advantage of the newer technology of the time. Using the printing press, his teachings were distributed throughout Germany and Europe - all based out of Wittenberg. This provided him the outreach that he needed to call upon the rest of Europe to take notice of what was happening. The Church was finally being called upon to answer for the wrongs they had been doing. With so many people being able to access the writings and teachings of Luther, it was no wonder that such a large number of them also found fault with the Church.

Being as important as was to all of Europe, he had a special meaning to the people of Germany. Not only was his home there, he provided a great service to the people. Not only did his teachings end up showing them the wrongs of religion, but he gave them the power and knowledge to judge for themselves. He translated the Bible into German. This is nothing short of amazing on multiple fronts. Not only did it give them the logical ammunition to determine for themselves how they felt about religious teachings and rulings, but it also aided in education. The people learned to read, to reason, to think for themselves. All of this, due to Martin Luther.

German Bible,

Word count: 530

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